Executive Director Deane Evans Presents at the Atlantic Blueprint: A Summit on Infrastructure & Transportation in Washington, DC

Deane Evans Presents at The Blueprint AtlanticLIVE Summit

Center for Resilient Design Executive Director, Deane Evans, presents at the latest AtlanticLIVE Summit in Washington DC


The Center for Resilient Design’s Executive Director, Deane Evans, was an invited speaker at Blueprint: An AtlanticLIVE Summit on Infrastructure and Transportation in Washington, DC.  

AtlanticLIVE Summits are annual events – convened and produced by The Atlantic magazine  - that explore critical issues and potential paths forward for improving America’s infrastructure and transportation systems in the 21st century.  Each event brings together thought leaders who are shaping urban environments – policymakers, developers, professional experts, entrepreneurs & industry leaders. 

The most recent Summit – convened on December 4, 2019 - explored the impacts of climate change on the nation’s critical systems, together with potentially disruptive strategies for mitigating these impacts.    Mr. Evans, along with Grace Showalter, Vice President, Construction Performance Materials North America at BASF, discussed Sustainable Construction: Resilient Infrastructure That Protects Our Communities.