Core Facilities


In order to have  access to the instrumentation in the Material Characterization Laboratory at York, you must complete general laboratory safety training with NJIT Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).

In addition, potential users of Confocal microscope and XRD, must complete radiation (XRD) or laser (confocal microscope) safety training (contact the EHS).

If you need building/lab access for instrumental use in the York Center, please download #-4 form and email the request form to Dr. Xianyang Meng ( ) and copy to your advisor and one of instrument staff.


Downloadable forms:

1_User Registration Form for MCL instrument_b.doc

2_MCL-Sample Assessment Form-Version 2.docx

3_Application form for Radiation Dosimetry Badge & ring_York Center.doc

4_Application form of building & lab access for York Center and LSEC.docx

5_Class teaching policy_2022.doc

6_MCLab teaching request form.docx