Julia Nguyen

Research Area

Biomechanics: Performing in-depth comparative analysis of the cortical and hippocampal proteome of samples exposed to a single shock wave at 130 kPa blast overpressure. Using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software to to conduct comprehensive high-level characterization and identify major canonical pathways, activation states of transcriptional regulators, and dominant biological processes affected by the shock wave.


Second-year at NJIT majoring in Bioinformatics and minoring in Chemistry

Albert Dorman Honors College, Class of 2020

Accelerated BS/MD Program with NJMS

About me

I am a native of California and came to NJIT as a National Merit Scholar.  I joined CIBM3 in Spring 2019 during my first year at NJIT.  I plan to graduate after my second year and matriculate to New Jersey Medical School in 2020.  In addition to my research here, I am involved as an active member of the MMA club, a senator on the Student Senate, and Treasurer of the Red Cross League.

Contact Info
