Robotics and Machine Intelligence
This research cluster includes human machine interface, cyber-human systems, robotics: bioinspired, medical, social and industrial autonomous systems, intelligent infrastructure, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented and virtual reality. Robotics and bioinspired autonomous systems are making a significant impact in the society in many areas including rehabilitation, manufacturing, navigation and transportation, and medical and home-based care. The artificial intelligence and augmented/virtual reality applications have been evolving rapidly with the futuristic vision for new modes of automation, discoveries, social networking and even co-evolution of machine and human intelligence making important decisions in our daily life from finance to healthcare.
The Robotics and Machine Intelligence cluster also interacts with other research clusters including Bioscience and Bioengineering, Environment and Sustainability, Material Science and Engineering and Data Science and Management in developing smart automation and navigation systems, smart healthcare information systems, intelligent adaptative and data-driven automations in additive manufacturing systems, and intelligent systems for almost every application from education and learning to smart cities and living-assist systems.
NAE and NAS Grand Challenges and NSF Big Ideas within the scope of this cluster include “Advance Personalized Learning”, “Enhance Virtual Reality” “Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure”, “Engineer the Tools of Scientific Discovery”, and “The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier”, “Harnessing the Data Revolution”, “Growing Convergence Research” and “The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution”.
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