
Members of ISWS have published an article on Nature, entitled Solar Flare Accelerates Nearly All Electrons in a Large Coronal Volume. Read more ...  (6/2022)

Assistant Professor Satoshi Inoue, key member of the ISWS, recived the prestigeous Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation.  Read more...   (2/2022)

ISWS has received a NASA grant for performing spectral analysis and modeling of the flaring lower solar atmosphere in multi-wavelengths.    (2/2022)

ISWS has received an NSF grant to study small-scale ejections in the Sun’s photosphere through chromosphere and corona.   (9/2021)

ISWS has received a NASA grant for the study of magnetic reconnection rate and its implications for fast reconnection onset in solar flares and magnetopause.   (1/2021)

ISWS has received a NASA grant for the study of small scale magnetic reconnection and energy release in the source regions of solar wind.   (10/2020)

Members of ISWS have published an article on Nature Astronomy, entitled Measurement of Magnetic Field and Relativistic Electrons Along a Solar Flare Current Sheet. Read more ...  (7/2020)

ISWS has received a NASA grant for studying the magnetic field structure and topology of circular ribbon flares   (6/2020)

ISWS has received an NSF grant to study dynamic and non-force-free properties of solar active regions and subsequent initiation of flares.   (4/2020)

ISWS co-organizes an EarthCube RCN Workshop, entitled Machine Learning in Heliophysics and Space Weather Forecasting: Advances, Perspectives and Synergies, on 16-17 January 2020. Read more ...  (1/2020)   [EarthCube2020.pdf​​]

Members of ISWS have published an article on Science, entitled Decay of the Coronal Magnetic Field Can Release Sufficient Energy to Power a Solar Flare. Read more ...  (1/2020)

ISWS has received a NASA grant for the study of global-scale surface flows and migration of polar crown filaments of the Sun in past 10 solar cycles in comparison with helioseismology results in 2 recent cycles.   (12/2019)

Members of ISWS have published an article on Science, entitled Generation of Solar Spicules and Subsequent Atmospheric Heating. Read more ...  (11/2019)

Dr. Nicola Fox of NASA has given a presentation in the ISWS Distinguished Colloquium Series. Read more ...  (11/2019)

Dr. Sami K. Solanki of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany, has given a presentation in the ISWS Distinguished Colloquium Series. Read more ...  (3/2019)

ISWS is part of a $2.3 million NSF grant for continuing scientific study of the Sun. Read more ...  (1/2019)

NJIT launches a potent research hub: The Institute for Space Weather Sciences. Read more ...  (11/2018)