Fall 2022
Time | Location | Speaker | Title |
10/20/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Yusuke Kawabata National Astronomical Observatory, Japan |
Chromospheric Magnetic Field: A Comparison of He I 10830 Å Observations with Nonlinear Force-free Field Extrapolation |
10/27/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Marilena Mierla Royal Observatory of Belgium & Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy |
11/3/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Benoit Tremblay HAO |
11/10/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Azim Ahmadzadeh Georgia State University |
ML-Eco Fi: A Machine Learning Ecosystem for Automatic Analysis of Solar Filaments |
12/1/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Thomas Schad NSO / DKIST |
The Magnetic Corona and the Promise of Coronagraphic Magnetometry |
12/8/2022 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Alin Paraschiv HAO |
On Inverting Solar Coronal Vector Magnetic Fields from Infrared Observations |
Summer 2022
Time | Location | Speaker | Title |
7/14/2022 1pm-2pm |
ECE 202 & Webex | Dr. Dipankar Banerjee ARIES, India |
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Time | Location | Speaker | Title |
12/02/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Yan Xu NJIT |
On the Ribbon Front: Chromospheric Response to the Initial Beam of Electrons |
11/11/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Veronica Bindi University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
(Link to talk) |
11/04/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Tamas Gombosi University of Michigan |
The Making of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (Link to talk) |
10/28/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Gareth Perry NJIT |
Citizen Science Contributions to Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Link to talk) |
10/21/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Jason Wang NJIT |
10/7/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Joe Giacalone University of Arizona |
Solar Energetic Particles Associated with Fast Coronal Mass Ejections |
9/23/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Xiaoli Bai Rutgers University |
Machine Learning-Enabled Orbit Prediction and Earth Observation (Link to talk) |
9/16/2021 1pm-2pm |
Webex | Dr. Gary Zank University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Turbulence and the Heating of the Solar Corona (Link to talk) |